L'Artea, a 3 star hotel in the heart of Aix-en-Provence

In the historic centre of Aix-en-Provence, l'Artea enjoys a strategic location in Provence.

Thanks to its proximity to the Grand Theatre and the Rotunda Fountain, enjoy a dream holiday in the South of France.

Indulge yourself with a bucolic walk following "in the footsteps of Cézanne" or in the old town quarter.

How to find us?

By car:
In the heart of Aix-en-Provence, from the A51 motorway, take exit Jas de Bouffan and follow signs for the Cours Mirabeau.
By train:
The SNCF Aix train station is only a 5 minute walk and the Aix TGV high-speed train station is just 20 minutes by car.
For more information: www.sncf.com/fr/horaires-info-trafic
By plane:
The Marseille-Provence Airport is 25 minutes by car.

Major cities nearby

Distances in km and the travel time between L'Artea and:

  • Marseille
    32 km    36 min
  • Martigues
    49 km    41 min
  • Manosque
    58 km    45 min
  • Arles
    77 km    57 min
  • Toulon
      83 km     57 min    
  • Avignon
    88 km    1 h 00    
  • Hyères    
    102 km    1 h 17 
  • Nîmes    
    108 km    1 h 19
  • Saint-Tropez    
     122 km    1 h 50
  • Montpellier    
     154 km    1 h 51

 Book your stay


Weather in Aix-en-Provence

Vent : S à 17 km/h
  • Ensoleillé

    20° 35°

  • Ensoleillé

    21° 38°

  • Développement nuageux

    24° 38°

  • Développement nuageux

    26° 40°